Daniel Farke takes more drastic action against Wilfried Gnonto

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It’s quickly become a battle of wills at Elland Road between manager, Daniel Farke, and want away star, Wilfried Gnonto.

The player has already submitted a written transfer request after it was believed that Leeds had refused to allow him to move to Everton.

With the transfer window still open there is the opportunity to move the player on, and Farke will be only too aware how disruptive Gnonto could become in the dressing room.

Perhaps that’s why he continues to instruct the player to train away from the main group, though he’s turned up the pressure even more of late.

Wilfried Gnonto
According to The Athletic, the German is responsible for now ensuring that Gnonto gets changed in a separate changing room from the senior squad.

Though such actions would appear to be a little petty on the face of it, Farke can’t have one disgruntled star upsetting the equilibrium across the squad.

What that means in practice is that, if the board of the club continue to back their manager over the final 10 days of the transfer window, Gnonto will potentially have to spend the next half-season as an outcast.

Or, he could knuckle down for the first part of the season, and see where the club is at come January.

With a European championship to follow the 2023/24 campaign, Gnonto has to be playing week in and week out if he wants to make the Italian squad, something that’s just a pipe dream at present.

More Stories 49ers Enterprises Daniel Farke Wilfried Gnonto


  1. Not petty at all. Was obvious to anyone who knew owt about owt that he wouldn’t be mixing with the squad.
    Refusing to play is rare and a big no no in the game. You can put a request in by all means, meanwhile you keep working, remain ready to play and helping your teammates.
    It doesn’t just affect the players involved, it can affect the careers of others in the squad.
    Had Sini and the other one been available recently we may well have more points on the board.

  2. Very true. For me, sell the stroppy 19 year old Gnonto who thinks he’s bigger than the club. Sell him to Everton and he’ll be doing exactly the same next season when they get relegated 😂😂. Take the money and get him out of our club.” Side before self “ young BOY.
    Marching on Together 👍👍

    1. I take the opposite view. He signed a contract, needs to play, and needs to sack his advisors (not necessarily in that order).
      He’s a young lad who has had his head turned by sharks.
      Get back to training, son, give the fans and the club due respect, and you will be back in the fold in no time.

      1. He wont be back in the fold. A professional footballer and I emphasise the phrase professional does not refuse to play. He is in breech of contract and the club are doing the right thing with him. He needs to learn a harsh lesson. I would fine him one months wages for each game he refuses to play and take legal action with regard to the manipulation from the agent who also needs to be dealt with

      2. I agree 💯 he is getting his head all mixed up with these money making agents. Get back and play for this GREAT CLUB MOT

  3. Take the Everton offer now.

    Don’t want to mess up annoying fee like they did with Harrison

    1. Hi don’t sell him to Everton ffs if he doesn’t want to play stop paying his wages and let him suffer . It’s obvious he and the other money sharks who have gone were not giving 100% last season or we might have stayed up

  4. I can see him being sold at the last minute and then there will be no time to replace him, so the 49ers will end up pocketing the money and then it will be the same old bull about the January window where once again nobody will be brought in.

  5. Listen he’s 19 and is being MIS LED by a money grabbing agent who’s only thinking of linning his own pockets. If Gnonto speaks to Farke and publicly apologised to us LEEDS SUPPORTERS he will play week in week out. JUST MY OPINION!!!! M.O.T. 🤍💛💙

  6. If he wants to get relegated with Everton, let him go there – but insist that every penny is paid up front, before they go bust.

  7. He needs a formal official punishment from eufa. Ban him from international team for 5 years. Sue his management company for breach of contract. Let him sign for another team and then take his money every month for compensation. All legal.

  8. You can’t create a presidency and let a 19 year old dictate to Leeds United. If you fo everybody else will do it.
    Sorry but he has to be made an example of.

    1st, you send a minor manager over and say, look you are going no where. You will train on your own for the leglngth of your contract.

    2nd, once the window shuts you go to him and say. If you want to resurrect your career, you’ll train and need to perform for the U18. Anything disruptive your back yo training alone for a month.
    Once he’s shown the right attitude and performed.

    3rd Promition to U23, same story. Back to training alone if he plays up.

    4th once he has done his rehad he gets a chance to train with our squad, then a chance at the bench and to play.

    It is the only way. Discipline is everything in a successful organisation. If we lose money on him on him so be it. It is for the greater good.

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