Player arrested for assault on referee that leaves the official with a broken jaw

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A brutal attack on a referee Khoder Yaghi by a player has left the official with a broken jaw and other injuries.

The incident took place during a First Grade match between the Padstow Hornets and the Greenacre Eagles at Padstow Park in Sydney, Australia.

In a video that surfaced later, a suspended player was seen rushing towards the referee and assaulting him, punching him in the head and dragging him onto the field.

The referee was left with a bloodied mouth, and it is believed that he suffered a broken jaw and lost some teeth.

The player responsible for the attack has been arrested by the NSW Police, according to report by The Sun.

Watch the incident below (via tw/socrate90000750)


1 Comment

  1. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour. Should be banned from paying for life, should be arrested and charged for assault.

    No place for actions like that in football

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