Eddie Howe hints many players will leave Newcastle in summer

Newcastle boss Eddie Howe has confirmed that many players will leave Newcastle next month.

Howe admits there will be difficult decision to be made next month but it’s inevitable that some of the club’s longest serving players will be heading to exit door this summer.

He said: “I think every summer I’ve been in management, I’ve had to make difficult decisions at the end of the season. Players that you love and have a great relationship with, sometimes have to leave for the benefit of the team.

“This season will be no different. I’m sure there’ll be players that will move on, who have represented the club in a brilliant way.

“Those decisions can wait until the end of the season. For me now, it’s about making judgements and assessments on everybody I’m working with. – added Howe for Chronicle.

“The training ground is a hugely important place for me, so I’m making judgements there, and then of course on days like today, I’m making judgements on players’ futures, based on what I see. I think that’s natural.”

Former Bournemouth hinted in a previous interview that there won’t be ‘wholesale’ changes in the squad but new owners are adamant to refresh the squad with re-inforcements this transfer window.

Sean Longstaff will be a free agent after this season and long-serving Jamaal Lascelles has also been linked with exit this summer.