Premier League clubs risk losing their best players as Covid means they can only offer small salary increase

Premier League players and their agents are going to get a shock to their system when it comes to negotiating a new contract it would seem.

The coronavirus pandemic has ensured that clubs need to be more frugal than ever as they look to navigate through one of the biggest economical crises in recent memory.

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To that end, as the Daily Mail note, Premier League clubs are having to inform their playing staff that they can only afford the minimum pay rise at this point.

Covid clauses may well be inserted so that once supporters are allowed back into stadiums, players pay falls back in line with the industry norm, however, in the interim, they’ll just have to suck it up.

Given that most players in the English top-flight are millionaires many times over, they should be able to cope for the next few months on a more modest wage.

If speculation to move comes as a result, supporters will quickly understand each player’s modus operandi.